I’m really glad I’m not stupid. I’m glad I put myself in a position that allows me to not even slow down, but push forward during these times of economic ruin.
Isn’t it amazing that the dollar is weak, gas costs four dollars a gallon (I mean really, $4 a gallon), grocery prices are climbing, the stock market is sagging, and people are so dumb that they get tied up in politics based on “likea”bility and not “A” BILITY. Many people don’t like their bosses because some can be perceived short and forceful, but you know why they are the boss, well it’s because they are short and forceful. This basically means they get the job done. Show me someone who is successful, and has accomplished something on their own, and they most likely put some people off with what less adequate people call arrogance.
It’s no secret that I was a Hillary Clinton for President supporter, and why did she lose the nomination, well because she is not the “cool” candidate. I can’t believe how many people say they like Obama because he can speak so well. From what I hear Adolph Hitler was pretty charismatic on the stump. Although, Obama’s potential policies are copies of Hillary’s, I may not vote for him because I don’t know that he has what it takes to get it done. All of the good ideas are great to have, but if you spent the last couple years building your political ticket by going through the trash of the originators of the ideas, you still can’t necessarily make them work. I’ve wondered what it would be like if there was a time machine, and I could take all of my knowledge of present back in time to show it off and profit from it. Then I realized it wouldn’t equate to squat because I don’t know how to manufacture our current technology, I just know how to work it. That’s just like Barrack, in his short time in politics not being a poster child for leftist of left, which is very short, he has only latched on to other’s ideas. These ideas he knows on the surface, and how to use them in a sentence, but does he know how they work fundamentally, or how to build an idea himself? That’s what I’m concerned about.
On the other hand McCain is for a pointless war, and doesn’t have the ability to balance a checkbook (I don’t think Barrack does either). The most important thing our nation has other than our people, our economy is in complete shambles due to Bush (who I voted for because he seemed cool), and we have two people soon to be nominated by their parties that have no economic experience. This is what is so annoying to me. The fact that people can’t see the transparency of these candidates, or the economic and socioeconomic repercussions their awful decision has faced this country with. With Barrack the country will be bankrupt by improper implementation of ‘borrowed” policies, and with McCain the country will be bankrupt by an endless war, and it’s affects on our international economic presence.
My only hope is that Hillary runs with Barrack, and Romney runs with McCain. That will give the country some options economically. I do think that McCain’s tax policies will save me a lot of money on my paycheck, but on the flip side the Democrats will take some of my money and give it to the people who aren’t intelligent enough to manage their job, finances, and health insurance. It will cost me money if degenerates don’t have their hands held by the government, just as it will cost me if degenerates get portions of my money to make it easier on them. I believe the option of giving, I mean helping these people with my money will actually save me more money in the end, when my healthcare cost are down, and I can get a month worth of groceries for less than a house payment.
The only reason I might be leaning democrat, is the environmental issues, and what the democrats have “pledged” to put to law. I’m still amazed about energy and conservation, and how we have not come up with better ways to maintain our current energy use, but have it originate from clean renewable resources. It’s unbelievable to me that we have a government funded program sending shit to Mars, but not able create a car that runs on air. Maybe it’s because PROFIT can’t be made from air, or at least until they start charging for that because everything eventually becomes a commodity. When Europeans first came to North America, there was no charge for the lumber to build your home, you paid in sweat. Communities came together, and produced the food for themselves. You didn’t have a more expensive piece of fruit because a butterfly pooped on a strawberry field in Guam.
My point on NASA is that we have all of these amazing minds engineering, designing, manufacturing functional equipment that operates in the most devastating existence we know of, when they could be coming up with ways to re-energize and clean our planet.
We have become so obsessed with totally unimportant things. You see more attention paid the next tallest building, biggest jetliner, or cruise ship, than you see about the needs of individuals in our country that have far more impact on the masses. Looking at the big picture if your neighbor’s house forecloses, it affects your property values, your taxes, and many other trickle down consequences.
Our country should be focused on our country. Enough with starving children in Africa; there are starving children in the US. Enough with policing the world; we have plenty of crime and problems on our streets. If the Taliban wants to fight us, let them spend billions to send their forces to our country. Oh, all of this sounds good, but we can’t stop doing these things because countries will stop greasing the bigwig’s palms, which is what all of this comes down to, greed. I was going to write a whole blog on greed, but it’s pointless. Look at all of the problems in the world, and find one that doesn’t have something to do with some group or individual wanting something, and willing to let others pay the price.
I may be greedy for success, and have the best for myself, but I feel comfortable that I stop before it takes from other people. I can afford to drive my big SUV (14 mpg) all over the place if I wanted, but I ride my motorcycle (55 mpg) in the rain, and when it’s so hot I sweat while going 45 miles per our down the road. It would not hurt my finances to leave every light on my house at night or not use compact fluorescent in every light possible in my house, but I conserve all that I can. I can assure you that it’s not the most convenient thing to grow a garden organically, recycle everything possible, use biodegradable products, pay more for clean energy for my house, conserve fuel to conserve fuel, not because it’s expensive, pay extra energy star products, and become overall truly a “green-minded” person. Maybe seeing that this might be best for me and everyone around me is what makes me smarter than those who don’t at least try to do the right thing…the right thing for everyone.
Isn’t it amazing that the dollar is weak, gas costs four dollars a gallon (I mean really, $4 a gallon), grocery prices are climbing, the stock market is sagging, and people are so dumb that they get tied up in politics based on “likea”bility and not “A” BILITY. Many people don’t like their bosses because some can be perceived short and forceful, but you know why they are the boss, well it’s because they are short and forceful. This basically means they get the job done. Show me someone who is successful, and has accomplished something on their own, and they most likely put some people off with what less adequate people call arrogance.
It’s no secret that I was a Hillary Clinton for President supporter, and why did she lose the nomination, well because she is not the “cool” candidate. I can’t believe how many people say they like Obama because he can speak so well. From what I hear Adolph Hitler was pretty charismatic on the stump. Although, Obama’s potential policies are copies of Hillary’s, I may not vote for him because I don’t know that he has what it takes to get it done. All of the good ideas are great to have, but if you spent the last couple years building your political ticket by going through the trash of the originators of the ideas, you still can’t necessarily make them work. I’ve wondered what it would be like if there was a time machine, and I could take all of my knowledge of present back in time to show it off and profit from it. Then I realized it wouldn’t equate to squat because I don’t know how to manufacture our current technology, I just know how to work it. That’s just like Barrack, in his short time in politics not being a poster child for leftist of left, which is very short, he has only latched on to other’s ideas. These ideas he knows on the surface, and how to use them in a sentence, but does he know how they work fundamentally, or how to build an idea himself? That’s what I’m concerned about.
On the other hand McCain is for a pointless war, and doesn’t have the ability to balance a checkbook (I don’t think Barrack does either). The most important thing our nation has other than our people, our economy is in complete shambles due to Bush (who I voted for because he seemed cool), and we have two people soon to be nominated by their parties that have no economic experience. This is what is so annoying to me. The fact that people can’t see the transparency of these candidates, or the economic and socioeconomic repercussions their awful decision has faced this country with. With Barrack the country will be bankrupt by improper implementation of ‘borrowed” policies, and with McCain the country will be bankrupt by an endless war, and it’s affects on our international economic presence.
My only hope is that Hillary runs with Barrack, and Romney runs with McCain. That will give the country some options economically. I do think that McCain’s tax policies will save me a lot of money on my paycheck, but on the flip side the Democrats will take some of my money and give it to the people who aren’t intelligent enough to manage their job, finances, and health insurance. It will cost me money if degenerates don’t have their hands held by the government, just as it will cost me if degenerates get portions of my money to make it easier on them. I believe the option of giving, I mean helping these people with my money will actually save me more money in the end, when my healthcare cost are down, and I can get a month worth of groceries for less than a house payment.
The only reason I might be leaning democrat, is the environmental issues, and what the democrats have “pledged” to put to law. I’m still amazed about energy and conservation, and how we have not come up with better ways to maintain our current energy use, but have it originate from clean renewable resources. It’s unbelievable to me that we have a government funded program sending shit to Mars, but not able create a car that runs on air. Maybe it’s because PROFIT can’t be made from air, or at least until they start charging for that because everything eventually becomes a commodity. When Europeans first came to North America, there was no charge for the lumber to build your home, you paid in sweat. Communities came together, and produced the food for themselves. You didn’t have a more expensive piece of fruit because a butterfly pooped on a strawberry field in Guam.
My point on NASA is that we have all of these amazing minds engineering, designing, manufacturing functional equipment that operates in the most devastating existence we know of, when they could be coming up with ways to re-energize and clean our planet.
We have become so obsessed with totally unimportant things. You see more attention paid the next tallest building, biggest jetliner, or cruise ship, than you see about the needs of individuals in our country that have far more impact on the masses. Looking at the big picture if your neighbor’s house forecloses, it affects your property values, your taxes, and many other trickle down consequences.
Our country should be focused on our country. Enough with starving children in Africa; there are starving children in the US. Enough with policing the world; we have plenty of crime and problems on our streets. If the Taliban wants to fight us, let them spend billions to send their forces to our country. Oh, all of this sounds good, but we can’t stop doing these things because countries will stop greasing the bigwig’s palms, which is what all of this comes down to, greed. I was going to write a whole blog on greed, but it’s pointless. Look at all of the problems in the world, and find one that doesn’t have something to do with some group or individual wanting something, and willing to let others pay the price.
I may be greedy for success, and have the best for myself, but I feel comfortable that I stop before it takes from other people. I can afford to drive my big SUV (14 mpg) all over the place if I wanted, but I ride my motorcycle (55 mpg) in the rain, and when it’s so hot I sweat while going 45 miles per our down the road. It would not hurt my finances to leave every light on my house at night or not use compact fluorescent in every light possible in my house, but I conserve all that I can. I can assure you that it’s not the most convenient thing to grow a garden organically, recycle everything possible, use biodegradable products, pay more for clean energy for my house, conserve fuel to conserve fuel, not because it’s expensive, pay extra energy star products, and become overall truly a “green-minded” person. Maybe seeing that this might be best for me and everyone around me is what makes me smarter than those who don’t at least try to do the right thing…the right thing for everyone.
You never cease to amaze me.
I'm glad I know you as well as I do--someone might think you're arrogant...
So, is your comment positive or negative?
haha... that depends
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